Gretchen Roberts

Ashland Oregon 3:05pm A beautiful day in Southern Oregon in the community garden where I tend vegetables and flowers with friends. I celebrate living with untransmittable HIV for 20 years. As a Positive Sunbeam, I embrace being an HIV advocate to end HIV and Self Stigma. I am lovable, I am free to be me, […]

Patrick Thomas

Art is my therapy. It creates value, purpose, a love for self, a sense of peace. Title: “Lisa” Place: Face Rock Bandon, Oregon.

Tom Hayes-Isaacs

Today, despite a broken wrist, I’m getting my hair cut and doing some last minute shopping before heading to Birmingham for Birmingham Pride. I’ll be walking in the parade with Saving Lives UK, and then doing health outreach.

Harold R “Scottie” Scott

#adaywithhiv Life with HIV for 33 years. Meditation calms the mind, soothes the soul. Something I include in my daily routine as much as possible. Quite alone time seems to work for me.

Shawn Decker

Doing some music… doing some blogging. Just being me with HIV. Happy, healthy me.

Jamie Nguyen

Living with HIV since June 2020— working as both a clinician and a patient advocate in sexual health, harm reduction, and the LGBTQ community 🙂

Carlos Ernesto Masis

#adaywithhiv is celebrated on September 22 to bring awareness, end the stigma, to bring hope, to publish more resources for those in need. For a few days I contemplated on of what would I post today, I thought about publishing my time at work, or my time gardening, or enjoying my hobby with the butterflies, […]