Kevin Kelland (2023)

Kevin Kelland

Plymouth, Devon
United Kingdom
10:26 am
I embrace life walking with our beloved border collie Harvey! Living with HIV for 37 years, half my life; I’m now 72. When I was diagnosed in 1986, I didn’t imagine even getting to 40! I have a happy life married to my husband Steve. We’ve been together 18 years! Some years ago, I was half in out about my status. I gradually grew into the real person I wanted to be. Sharing my story, I needed to live as fully out as a gay man living with HIV. Challenging stigma and being a true example to others will only educate about HIV. U=U means UNDETECTABLE EQUALS UNTRANSMITTABLE, which is life-changing for people living with HIV and their partners. You Can’t Pass it On!

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