
Richard Hutchinson Jr.

United States
8:39 pm
05:20 pm
Yeah I’m Rich Zaddy. Im a Black Queer millennial living with HIV! It’s NOT also easy being on this journey, but God bestowed this journey on me to build me and make me the best version of myself as possible. Plus, I’m fine AF!!! 😚😍 In the past couple weeks and even months, I’ve been in and out of a dark space, yet still holding on to my light. I’ve been inspired by my struggles. I work everyday to make better things happen in my life and those for around me. At the end of the day, I’m an amazing human being, growing, learning, loving, creating. #HeIsValuable #PozLivesMatter #IAmHIVPositive #KissMeImPositive #HIVAwareness

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